
Beyond teaching and speaking engagements, I always love to mentor and consult businesses on modern analytic techniques for making data driven decisions. Below is a list of the projects I have done for companies:

Project (Company Names Removed for Privacy) Description
Credit Scoring Models for International Banks Trying to determine who is credit worthy to give a loan is not an easy decision, especially for banks in developing countries. I have helped banks collect and analyze data to better assist them in developing more statistical methods to aiding in the loan decision. The chart above is an example of this where customers have been given a statistical scorecard value. The higher the value the lower the rate of default for that customer group.
Company Valuation Analysis It is difficult to know sometimes how much a company is truly worth, especially if they are not publically traded. This project used predictive modeling to help identify outlying companies for a team to further evaluate their thoughts on the value of that company. This way they could find "diamonds in the rough" that others might not have already discovered.
Python and Classification Model Training With the ever growing need of data and changing array of tools, companies may find it hard to keep up with the techniques they need to be using. A colleague and I trained a staff of employees at a client on how to use Python specifically around building classification models.