Resampling, Model Selection, & Regularization


For this analysis we are going to the popular Ames housing dataset. This dataset contains information on home values for a sample of nearly 3,000 houses in Ames, Iowa in the early 2000s. To access this data, we first add the AmesHousing package and create the nicely formatted data with the make_ordinal_ames() function.


ames <- make_ordinal_ames()

Our goal will be to build models to accurately predict the sales price of the home (Sale_Price). First, we need to first explore our data before building any models to try and explain/predict this target variable. We can look at the distribution of the variables as well as see if this distribution has any association with other variables (only after splitting the data described below). We will not go through the data cleaning and exploration phase in this code deck. For ideas around exploring data (albeit on a categorical target, not continuous one) you can look at the code deck on Logistic Regression.

Before exploring any relationships between predictor variables and the target variable Sale_Price, we need to split our data set into training and testing pieces. Because models are prone to discovering small, spurious patterns on the data that is used to create them (the training data), we set aside the testing data to get a clear view of how they might perform on new data that the models have never seen before.


ames <- ames %>% mutate(id = row_number())


training <- ames %>% sample_frac(0.7)
testing <- anti_join(ames, training, by = 'id')

This split is done randomly so that the testing data set will approximate an honest assessment of how the model will perform in a real world setting. A visual representation of this is below:

Splitting into Training and Testing Data

However, in the world of machine learning, we have a lot of aspects of a model that we need to “tune” or adjust to make our models more predictive. We can not perform this on the training data alone as it would lead to over-fitting (predicting too well) the training data and no longer generalizable. We could split the training data set again into a training and validation data set where the validation data set is what we “tune” our models on. The downside of this approach is that we will tend to start over-fitting the validation data set.

One approach to dealing with this is to use cross-validation. The idea of cross-validation is to divide your data set into k equally sized groups - called folds or samples. You leave one of the groups aside while building a model on the rest. You repeat this process of leaving one of the k folds out while building a model on the rest until each of the k folds has been left out once. We can evaluate a model by averaging the models’ effectiveness across all of the iterations. This process is highlighted below:

10-fold Cross-Validation Example

After initial exploration of our data set (not shown here) we are limiting down the variables to the following:

training <- training %>% 

Model Selection

Although we will not cover the details behind linear and logistic regression here, we will see how cross-validation and model tuning concepts from machine learning can apply to these more classical statistical, linear models. For example, which variables should you drop from your model? This is a common question for all modeling, but especially generalized linear models. In this section we will cover a popular variable selection technique - stepwise regression, but from a machine learning standpoint.

Stepwise regression techniques involve the three common methods:

  1. Forward Selection
  2. Backward Selection
  3. Stepwise Selection

These techniques add or remove (depending the technique) one variable at a time from your regression model to try and “improve” the model. There are a variety of different selection criteria to use to add or remove variables from a logistic regression. Two common approaches are to use either p-values or one of the pair of AIC/BIC. The visual below shows an example of stepwise selection:

Stepwise Selection

However, from a machine learning standpoint, each step of the process is not evaluated on the training data, but on the cross-validation data sets. The model with the best average mean square error (MSE) in cross-validation is the one that moves on to the next step of the stepwise regression.

What we do with the results from this also differs depending on your background - the statistical/classical approach and the machine learning approach.

The more statistical and classical view would use validation to evaluate which model is “best” at each step of the process. The final model from the process contains the variables you want to keep in your model from that point going forward. To score a final test data set, you would combine the training and validation sets and then build a model with only the variables in the final step of the selection process. The coefficients on these variables might vary slightly because of the combining of the training and validation data sets.

The more machine learning approach is slightly different. You still use the validation to evaluate which model is “best” at each step in the process. However, instead of taking the variables in the final step of the process as the final variables to use, we look at the number of variables in the final step of the process as what has been optimized. To score a final test data set, you would combine the training and validation sets and then build a model with the same number of variables in the final process, but the variables don’t need to be the same as the ones in the final step of the process. The variables might be different because of the combining of the training and validation data sets.

Let’s see how to do this in each of our softwares!


Linear regression is a great initial approach to take to model building. In fact, in the realm of statistical models, linear regression (calculated by ordinary least squares) is the best linear unbiased estimator. The two key pieces to that previous statement are “best” and “unbiased.”

What does it mean to be unbiased? Each of the sample coefficients (\(\hat{\beta}\)’s) in the regression model are estimates of the true coefficients. These sample coefficients have sampling distributions - specifically, normally distributed sampling distributions. The mean of the sampling distribution of \(\hat{\beta}_j\) is the true (known) coefficient \(\beta_j\). This means the coefficient is unbiased.

What does it mean to be best? IF the assumptions of ordinary least squares are met fully, then the sampling distributions of the coefficients in the model have the minimum variance of all unbiased estimators.

These two things combined seem like what we want in a model - estimating what we want (unbiased) and doing it in a way that has the minimum amount of variation (best among the unbiased). Again, these rely on the assumptions of linear regression holding true. Another approach to regression would be to use regularized regression instead as a different approach to building the model.

As the number of variables in a linear regression model increase, the chances of having a model that meets all of the assumptions starts to diminish. Multicollinearity can pose a large problem with bigger regression models. The coefficients of a linear regression vary widely in the presence of multicollinearity. These variations lead to over-fitting of a regression model. More formally, these models have higher variance than desired. In those scenarios, moving out of the realm of unbiased estimates may provide a lower variance in the model, even though the model is no longer unbiased as described above. We wouldn’t want to be too biased, but some small degree of bias might improve the model’s fit overall and even lead to better predictions at the cost of a lack of interpretability.

Another potential problem for linear regression is when we have more variables than observations in our data set. This is a common problem in the space of genetic modeling. In this scenario, the ordinary least squares approach leads to multiple solutions instead of just one. Unfortunately, most of these infinite solutions over-fit the problem at hand anyway.

Regularized (or penalized or shrinkage) regression techniques potentially alleviate these problems. Regularized regression puts constraints on the estimated coefficients in our model and shrink these estimates to zero. This helps reduce the variation in the coefficients (improving the variance of the model), but at the cost of biasing the coefficients. The specific constraints that are put on the regression inform the three common approaches - ridge regression, LASSO, and elastic nets.

Penalties in Models

In ordinary least squares linear regression, we minimize the sum of the squared residuals (or errors).

\[ min(\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2) = min(SSE) \]

In regularized regression, however, we add a penalty term to the \(SSE\) as follows:

\[ min(\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + Penalty) = min(SSE + Penalty) \]

As mentioned above, the penalties we choose constrain the estimated coefficients in our model and shrink these estimates to zero. Different penalties have different effects on the estimated coefficients. Two common approaches to adding penalties are the ridge and LASSO approaches. The elastic net approach is a combination of these two. Let’s explore each of these in further detail.

Ridge Regression

Ridge regression adds what is commonly referred to as an “\(L_2\)” penalty:

\[ min(\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p \hat{\beta}^2_j) = min(SSE + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p \hat{\beta}^2_j) \]

This penalty is controlled by the tuning parameter \(\lambda\). If \(\lambda = 0\), then we have typical OLS linear regression. However, as \(\lambda \rightarrow \infty\), the coefficients in the model shrink to zero. This makes intuitive sense. Since the estimated coefficients, \(\hat{\beta}_j\)’s, are the only thing changing to minimize this equation, then as \(\lambda \rightarrow \infty\), the equation is best minimized by forcing the coefficients to be smaller and smaller. We will see how to optimize this penalty term in a later section.


Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression adds what is commonly referred to as an “\(L_1\)” penalty:

\[ min(\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p |\hat{\beta}_j|) = min(SSE + \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p |\hat{\beta}_j|) \]

This penalty is controlled by the tuning parameter \(\lambda\). If \(\lambda = 0\), then we have typical OLS linear regression. However, as \(\lambda \rightarrow \infty\), the coefficients in the model shrink to zero. This makes intuitive sense. Since the estimated coefficients, \(\hat{\beta}_j\)’s, are the only thing changing to minimize this equation, then as \(\lambda \rightarrow \infty\), the equation is best minimized by forcing the coefficients to be smaller and smaller. We will see how to optimize this penalty term in a later section.

However, unlike ridge regression that has the coefficient estimates approach zero asymptotically, in LASSO regression the coefficients can actually equal zero. This may not be as intuitive when initially looking at the penalty terms themselves. It becomes easier to see when dealing with the solutions to the coefficient estimates. Without going into too much mathematical detail, this is done by taking the derivative of the minimization function (objective function) and setting it equal to zero. From there we can determine the optimal solution for the estimated coefficients. In OLS regression the estimates for the coefficients can be shown to equal the following (in matrix form):

\[ \hat{\beta} = (X^TX)^{-1}X^TY \]

This changes in the presence of penalty terms. For ridge regression, the solution becomes the following:

\[ \hat{\beta} = (X^TX + \lambda I)^{-1}X^TY \]

There is no value for \(\lambda\) that can force the coefficients to be zero by itself. Therefore, unless the data makes the coefficient zero, the penalty term can only force the estimated coefficient to zero asymptotically as \(\lambda \rightarrow \infty\).

However, for LASSO, the solution becomes the following:

\[ \hat{\beta} = (X^TX)^{-1}(X^TY - \lambda I) \]

Notice the distinct difference here. In this scenario, there is a possible penalty value (\(\lambda = X^TY\)) that will force the estimated coefficients to equal zero. There is some benefit to this. This makes LASSO also function as a variable selection criteria as well.

Elastic Net

Which approach is better, ridge or LASSO? Both have advantages and disadvantages. LASSO performs variable selection while ridge keeps all variables in the model. However, reducing the number of variables might impact minimum error. Also, if you have two correlated variables, which one LASSO chooses to zero out is relatively arbitrary to the context of the problem.

Elastic nets were designed to take advantage of both penalty approaches. In elastic nets, we are using both penalties in the minimization:

\[ min(SSE + \lambda_1 \sum_{j=1}^p |\hat{\beta}_j| + \lambda_2 \sum_{j=1}^p \hat{\beta}^2_j) \]

In R, the glmnet function takes a slightly different approach to the elastic net implementation with the following:

\[ min(SSE + \lambda[ \alpha \sum_{j=1}^p |\hat{\beta}_j| + (1-\alpha) \sum_{j=1}^p \hat{\beta}^2_j]) \]

R still has one penalty \(\lambda\), however, it includes the \(\alpha\) parameter to balance between the two penalty terms. Any value in between zero and one will provide an elastic net.

Let’s see how to build these models in each of our softwares!